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App permissions in Office 365

< 1 min read

The Azure Application Access Model requires to request permissions for each operation EZ2ID performs. Details about enterprise applications are described in the Microsoft Docs.

Display AAD Permission Description Admin consent required
Sign in and read user profile
Allows users to sign-in to the app, and allows the app to read the profile of signed-in users. It also allows the app to read basic company information of signed-in users.
Read all users’ full profiles
Allows the app to read the full set of profile properties, reports, and managers of other users in your organization, on behalf of the signed-in user.
Read all users’ basic profiles
Allows the app to read a basic set of profile properties of other users in your organization on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes display name, first and last name, email address, open extensions and photo. Also allows the app to read the full profile of the signed-in user.
Have full access to user contacts
Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete user contacts.